Sunday 22 April 2012

One Hundred Things - A Master List

1 Run the Race for Life
2 Go through a car wash (yes, in a car)
3 Get my work inbox down to just that week's emails
4 Finish my patchwork quilt
5 Grow something from seed
6 Go up into my loft (silly, but I've lived here almost a year and I haven't dared)
7 Do Couch to 5K
8 Knit something
9 Do something touristy in your home town
10 Play a game of Chez Geek
11 Paint your nails with mad glittery nail varnish
12 Darn a sock (or other knitted item)
13 Get on a bus to see where it goes
14 Walk up to Darwen tower
15 Raise £100 for charity
16 Cook a new recipe
17 Take a photo a day for a month
18 Walk Hadrian's Wall
19 Try a new food
20 Complete one of the aerial challenges (i.e. Go Ape or similar)
21 Try your hand at a different craft activity
22 Take a Salsa class - I've had salsa lessons, but will look for something similar
23 Catalogue your books
24 Crochet a purse
25 Contact someone you haven't seen for ages
26 Make a keepsake book/item
27 Alter a piece of clothing you never wear into something that you do (or at least might).
28 Write a poem
29 Go swimming in the nude
30 Make a piece of jewellery
31 Go rockpooling
32 Think of a food you don't normally like. Find a recipe that sounds OK and cook with it and see if you like it.
33 Have you been to all four countries of the United Kingdom? Take a trip to any of them you've never visited.
34 Go to a nature reserve and see a creature you've never seen before.
35 Try something you'd normally sneer at
36 Read a book in a genre you haven't read before
37 Learn a new language
38 A bit like the Hadrian's wall one, but do a long-distance walking path (in stages if necessary) or walk the course of a river from source to the sea
39 Drive a different type of vehicle
40 Learn to identify the main British tree species
41 Get to know a neighbour.
42 Go and see something live you've never seen before - it can be a sports match, the races, a gig, an author talk and book signing, but you must never have done it before.
43 Do everything left-handed (or right-handed if you're left-handed to start with) for a day. (you are allowed to exclude writing, if necessary)
44 Learn to do something technical.
45 Take part in an experiment.
46 take a ballet class.
47 go to see the Royal Ballet at the Opera House and/or see a ballet that is new to you.
48 Read a Shakespeare play that you've not yet read.
49 Dye your hair a colour it has never before been.
50 Take part in a flashmob.

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