Wednesday 25 April 2012

Grow something from seed

I cheated slightly with this one - I added it to the list although it was already underway. As most of you know, I bought my first house last year. I've gardened before, but I've never had a garden of my own, to make my own choices (and mistakes). I am astonished at how much I am enjoying growing things. Move over crazy cat lady, I'm turning into a crazy plant lady.

I started off with some seedlings - three geraniums, two strawberries and a fuchsia. Much to my shock I didn't kill them, so I moved on to sweet peas. I planted the seeds (three to a pot) and watched anxiously until they started to sprout. I cannot tell you how hard it was to resist digging up the seeds to see if anything was happening... Then, like Topsy, they growed.

I am going to build a raised bed (eventually), and can't wait to start putting my pots out in the back garden. My fingers are faintly tinged with green!

1 comment:

  1. It's always a sort of miracle to see things pop up when we've hidden seeds beneath the soil, isn't it?
